Workshop: Eye to Eye #3 – Internalised Racism and Whitewashing // 15.07.19 – 18:30h

A safer space for people of Asian descent.
Everyone iden­ti­fying them­selves as ASIAN is welcome!

Let’s talk Internalised Racism and Whitewashing!
No, we’re not going to be dis­cussing how to get whiter brighter laundry.

FREE regis­tration at:
Donations appreciated!

We are people of the global majority! So, why are we the minority?
Whiteness and Eurocentric ideo­logies are often held on a pedestal, and we find our­selves con­stantly oppressed through fake supe­riority com­plexes in order to create fake infe­riority com­plexes around the globe. This is done in order to maintain white supremacy and attempt to undermine the dignity, inte­grity and lon­gevity of the majority of the world’s people.

Having been born, raised or residing in a pre­do­mi­nantly Euro-centric society, one may inherit biases that affect how we per­ceive one’s self-worth and those of other eth­ni­cities. Being able to unlearn and achieve equality will take gene­ra­tions, but learning to embrace uni­queness and indi­vi­duality can begin now – within ourselves.
For there is no admi­rable self to aspire towards, rather a self to love with all the complexities.

Throughout the worskhop we aim to discuss topics such as the expe­rience of ali­en­ation and inter­na­lized racism ope­rated by the White gaze. By sharing stories we’re striving to find a safe space to heal tog­ether and empower each other!

Venue: Aquarium am Südblock (Skalitzer Str. 6, 10999 Berlin)

Hosted by Vicky Truong and Sarah Naqvi

Poster by Vicky Truong