
Wir wün­schen allen, die das Neujahr nach dem Mondkalender feiern bzw. gefeiert haben, an dieser Stelle ein Frohes Neues Ochsen- bzw. Büffeljahr!

Passend dazu sprechen Thủy und Thea in ihrer neuen Folge bei „The Bubbly T’s“ über Feiertage, Traditionen und wie man diese in der Diaspora gebührend feiern kann. Natürlich geht es auch um leckeres Feiertagsessen! Als Gast dabei: Abilaschan Balamuraley vom brand­neuen Podcast „Maangai“ – ein Podcast, in dem die Vielfalt der queeren Südasiatischen Community gefeiert wird. 

Folgt Abilaschans Podcast auf Instagram: @maangai_podcast für alle aktu­ellen News zum Release im März 2021!

Mehr Infos und alle Episoden des Podcasts „The Bubbly Ts“ findet Ihr hier unter PROJEKTE und unter


ASIAN FOOD – more than just a mouth orgasm
Let’s get tog­ether to share our favourite snacks/dishes with one another!

👁to Eye workshop 👁
🧧Donation based
Asian dia­spora only ✌️

When migration occurs, one may have to adopt a new lan­guage, way of dressing, way of being, and many other aspects in order to assi­milate. But food, well, the Asian dia­spora ain’t letting that goodness go nowhere! Food is one of the only ways migrants connect to their cul­tures, ancestry and homelands.

During the workshop, we will explore, share, discuss, connect and heal with food. We will look at our food from dif­ferent per­spec­tives: food both as a poli­tical issue and as self pre­ser­vation. Taking into con­side­ration that ‚we are what we eat‘ how powerful could it be to change the rela­ti­onship to our food?

Food and eating habits/rituals will help us to navigate our con­fron­tation with identity. Given that food is an essential player, that touches many places in our lives, it becomes a powerful tool to connect us to our driving forces such as our emo­tions and memories.

We ask par­ti­ci­pants to bring a favourite dish/snack/ingredient they would like to share with the com­munity and its bellies. It doesn’t have to be home made. It just has to mean some­thing to you.

Korea Verband have been kind enough to offer their space for this workshop! It’s a beau­tiful location and will be show­casing their new exhi­bition! We want to create a more intimate setting and spots are limited. Please RSVP!

Sarah Naqvi and Vicky Truong have been dis­cussing the next few work­shops and are very excited to share their work with the Asian dia­spora. As they are still to attain funding, they are doing this work vol­un­t­arily. If you want to make a donation to cover costs, please get in touch with them!

In coope­ration with DAMN (Asian Germans, Make Noise) Group.

Venue: Korea Verband (Quitzowstr. 103, 10551 Berlin)